

At Jubilee, we believe in the Biblical principle of stewardship – that is the conviction that everything we have belongs to God and we are only looking after, or are stewards of, what He has given us.

Why Give?

It takes finance to do all that God has given us to do and with this in mind we encourage people who call Jubilee their home to give regularly and generously.

Every Sunday Service there is an offering basket at the front if you want to give cash or cheques. However, most give directly from their bank account by regular Standing Order. We think that responsible, joyful, generous giving is one of the marks of a believer! Tithing (giving 10% of our income) is a commitment that many of us at Jubilee have decided to undertake – if this is new to you why not talk to one of the pastors about it.

But we don’t pressurise people…

Personal circumstances will affect how you are able to give. If you are in a difficult time financially, please don’t feel under any obligation – we believe you should only give out of what you have. Feel free to ask for prayer on a Sunday or in your group, or to talk to a leader if you are struggling financially or with debt.

[pillar_card title=”Gift Aid It!” subtitle=”An extra 25% for free!”]

If you are a UK taxpayer, we may be able to claim back 25p in every pound that you donate at no further cost to you.
For a Gift Aid Declaration Form please email our Finance Officer cheryl@jubilee.church



Ways to give

Direct Bank Transfer saves us time and bank charges, however feel free to give in any of the following ways.


Log on to your online banking and set up a regular Standing Order. Alternatively, make a one-off direct bank transfer.

Name: Jubilee Church Farnham
Bank: Lloyds Bank
Sort Code: 30-93-20
Account Number: 22354868

Please use your surname and initials as your reference
If you don’t have online banking, email cheryl@jubilee.church for a standing Order Form


Online giving via Debit/Credit Card”]Give online with your debit/credit card (standard bank charges are deducted from donations). Please click here.


We take up an offering at all Sunday services. Use the giving envelopes provided to give via cash, cheques payable to ‘Jubilee Church’.


If your employer offers this scheme, please contact them for details.
